(610) 704-4249

Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm


547 Dunswell Drive

Summerville, SC 29486

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Dekka Studios logo round orange 25th anniversary

(610) 704-4249    |

Search engine optimization

SEO in Charleston, SC

“How can I show up better in the search engines?”

Whether it is Google, Bing or Yahoo, getting into their rankings and staying there has always been a challenge.

“Search Engine Optimization” (or SEO) is the ongoing process of helping your website rank well in the search engines by making sure your website’s content is reflected on Google, Bing or Yahoo.

We can help businesses or organizations throughout the lowcountry of South Carolina improve their search engine ranking.

Basically, this involves having a very skilled web programmer make subtle changes to your site, many of them not visible to the average user, that can help influence the search engines. (It is different from search engine marketing, SEM, which is when you simply pay for advertising on those sites).

Dekka Studios can help ensure your web site is properly coded and designed to be as search engine friendly as possible.

Furthermore, our experts will work with you to devise a list of ideal “keywords” or search terms that you’d like to show up for on the search engines. Through careful programming and text writing, our team will take the steps necessary to help increase your odds of showing up for those search terms.

What is Content Marketing and does it affect SEO?

Content Marketing is writing… that is, crafting relevant and valuable articles (or blog posts) that offer true value to potential customers, with the hopes that they will then do business with you in the future.

The writings need to be high quality and consistent – which many business owners are not keen on at first because it is costly, time-consuming and does not yield instant results.

But content marketing can help your website achieve one thing that cannot be purchased: relevance.

In the old days, you could load a website with keywords and phrases, and Google would rank you highly. But those days are over.

Today, Google only wants to show truly relevant websites in their results and relevant means authoritative, helpful, popular and shared.

Dekka Studios can help you by either coaching your own team to stay on track with producing content, or we can set you up with a writer who will get to know your business, research your competitors to see what they are doing, and then suggest a course of action with which to promote you. We can even produce the articles and promote them on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.)

To compete in today’s online world, you need to do more than your competition is doing. It’s that simple.